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Plagron Green Sensation 250ml

Plagron Green Sensation 250ml

Plagron Green Sensation 250ml

Plagron Green Sensation 250ml is a powerful plant stimulator that helps promote healthy growth and development in your plants. This unique blend of natural ingredients, including seaweed extract, amino acids, and trace elements, works to increase the size and quality of your plants' fruits and flowers, while also improving their resistance to disease and pests. It is easy to use and can be applied directly to the soil or mixed with water for foliar application. Nutrient-Rich Benefits Plagron Universal Green Sensation 250ml is a powerful product designed to give your plants an essential boost for a high yield. Its unique composition ensures that your plants get all the nutrients they need,

Plagron Green Sensation 250ml is a powerful plant stimulator that helps promote healthy growth and development in your plants. This unique blend of natural ingredients, including seaweed extract, amino acids, and trace elements, works to increase the size and quality of your plants' fruits and flowers, while also improving their resistance to disease and pests. It is easy to use and can be applied directly to the soil or mixed with water for foliar application.

Nutrient-Rich Benefits

Plagron Universal Green Sensation 250ml is a powerful product designed to give your plants an essential boost for a high yield. Its unique composition ensures that your plants get all the nutrients they need, while also stimulating flowering and increasing sugar formation to improve the taste. Plagron Universal Green Sensation 250ml prevents diseases, reduces stress, and can be used on all substrates with any watering system. Used in the last four to six weeks of the flowering phase, Plagron Universal Green Sensation 250ml guarantees an exuberant flowering, a firm cell structure, and fruits with the best possible taste when applied according to the instructions.

Product specifications

Vloeibare meststof
Bemesting geschikt voor
Groente en kruiden
Enkelvoudige bemesting
Percentage Ammoniumnitraat (NH4NO3)
0 %
Percentage Calciumammoniumnitraat (KAS)
0 %
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