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BioBizz Organic Heaven 500ml

BioBizz Organic Heaven 500ml

BioBizz Organic Heaven 500ml is the perfect liquid fertilizer for your plants. Formulated with natural ingredients such as seaweed extract, humic acid, and fish hydrolysate, this fertilizer is designed to promote healthy root development and vigorous growth. It is easy to use, and can be applied directly to the soil or mixed with water for foliar application.

Organic Nutrition for Your Plants

Organic gardeners can trust BioBizz Organic Heaven 500ml to give their plants the best nutrition possible. This organic liquid fertilizer is specially formulated to provide plants with the essential nutrients they need to thrive. Give your plants the best with BioBizz Organic Heaven 500ml.

Product specifications

For substrate:
Suitable for:
Suitable for:
Flowering phase
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